Sunday, November 1, 2009

23 Things # 16 & 17

11/1 /09
Sarah F
LIS 635
23 Things – 16 &17

16. Learn about wikis and discover some innovative ways that libraries are using them.

I looked at a couple of the wikis that were listed on the example page. I think that wikis are good tools to use in libraries because information can be shared and changed accordingly. People can look at different information at the same time. It allows people to communicate and see what others are doing and saying. I use wikepidia if I am lokoing up something quickly. It is not the best resource but it is a good place to start. All of the information that is used from wikipedia must be double checked because it can be changed. Throughout my practicum experience I was asked to show the students that I was teaching that the information that they get off the internet is not necessarily true. One of the examples that I used was a wikipedia article that was changed to include one of their teachers names. Many of the students did not realise that the information was not true.

17. Add an entry to the Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki.
I created an account and added an entry to the wiki in the Favorite Books section. I added the book title Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier. It is about a love story that takes place during the Civil War. This was an easy way to suggest a book and look at the feedback and suggestions from others.

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