Monday, November 16, 2009

Practicum Analysis Week 8

Sarah F
Practicum Analysis
Week 8
November 9-13, 2009

Day 15

The Veterans’ Day Banners were set up early this morning so that students, faculty, and visitors from the Veterans’ Day Breakfast could sign them in the RTHS Library. I spent my entire day making sure that each banner was secure and looked presentable. Each banner has a picture of the individual soldier, and a paragraph explaining their association with the school, some information about where they are and what branch of service they are in. The Veterans’ Day Banners spent November 10, 11, and 12 at the RTHS Library. They have now been moved to the Public Library so the community can sign them and then will make their final stop before mailing at the Rochelle Middle School’s Family Reading Night Celebration. They will be mailed in early December.

Today is my last day at the RTHS Library. Over the course of the last few months, I have learned a significant amount about librarianship, the daily tasks of a school librarian and office manager, special projects, reference, database instruction, and school policies and administration.

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